1.9.5. H2 Production from CH4 in Reformer
Dependence of the concentrations on the temperature in a reformer for fuel cells

1. Selection of the Elements
In main window, menu: System -> Elements: H, C, O

2. Selection of the  Substances
2.1.  In sub window for gases, button Comp: CH4(g), CO(g), CO2(g), H2(g), H2O(g), O2(g)

2.2.  In sub window for solids, button Comp: C(s)

2.3.  Enter for  activity coefficient for C(s)  (1) as  following picture shows, e.g.: C(s) can be exists in system only as pure substance, not in any solution.

3. Definition of the Record Variables

In main window, menu: Monitoring -> Record Definition:

In this dialog box, you can also select other variables

4. Graphic Data
4.1. In main window, menu: Monitoring -> Graphic Variables:

4.2. In main window, menu: Monitoring -> Graphic:
 In the sub window for graphic: menu: Settings -> Graphic Range
You can enter the graphic data

5. Calculation

5.1. Enter values for input of CH4(g) and H2O(g)

5.2. In main window, menu: System -> Calculation by Variation

The Application will carry out 71 calculations from the temperature 300 °C to 800 °C whit the steps of 10°C.
The results are shown in the following picture.

When you press right mouse button an the variable list on the left side, you can define the color of a variable.
The menu Settings -> Graphic Range (in the graphic sub window ) shows a dialog box.
in which you can define the graphical parameters as picture above.